Market Segment

Resource and Energy Procurement

Resource and Energy Procurement

Only the cutting-edge equipment is sourced from around the world, such as the multibeam echo sounders and underwater acoustic equipment as well as underwater optics and communication equipment. Nippon Kaiyo coordinates and customizes them into systems to meet the customers’ specific needs in seabed resource mining, power generation and other research activities.
Water Environment

Water Environment

From depth sounding, water quality inspection and underwater surveillance to biotelemetry systems in which a transmitter is attached to a sea creature and images and data are captured by a video camera and sensors. Nippon Kaiyo can meet customers’ needs in a broad range of areas.
Port Construction and Infrastructure Maintenance

Port Construction and Infrastructure Maintenance

Various items can be assorted, from multibeam echo sounders to underwater acoustic equipment, underwater communication equipment, diving and submerging as well as drone-based aerial surveillance, to meet specific needs for port and dam construction and their maintenance.


An advanced formation is formed with acoustic, optical, communication and surveillance systems to support rescue and relief activities. Nippon Kaiyo is capable of sourcing a broad variety of diving and submerging equipment from around the world and customizing them as an emergency system.
Defense and Security

Defense and Security

The political and economic globalization leads to more frequent calls for anti-terrorism and disaster preventive programs. Nippon Kaiyo responds to such social changes with a global coordination of systems that constantly monitor the safety and security in waters, quickly detect any unwanted incidents and smoothly exchange information with other systems.
Fisheries Research

Fisheries Research

The sea is the stage for a wide variety of fisheries research projects. Nippon Kaiyo has a lineup of the latest equipment that ensures highest safety, precision and efficiency in research activities. We also have a large lineup of the world’s cutting-edge scientific echo sounders.